The characteristics and wisdom of contemporary design education at Politecnico di Milano
In the traditional education process, teachers are the main body that teaches and disseminates knowledge to students, while students are the objectsof knowledge acceptance. Both are important factors and equally important. However, teachers have many opportunities and occasions to talk, but students no. This time, our voice is from the tudents.This two-hour sharing activity was composed of students from Politecnico di Milano. The host invited 9 students from different majors to share their representative works and discuss the characteristics and wisdom of contemporary Politecnico di Milano design education from the perspective of students.
關鍵詞 /Keywords
學生說、米蘭理工大學、設計教育 /Student Talk, Politecnico di Milano, Design Education
中文節目 /Chinese Program
時間 /Time
September 19. 18:00 - 20:00(UTC+08:00)
主持人 /Host
楊葉秋,米蘭理工大學設計學院博士研究生,倫敦密德薩斯大學訪問學者 /Yeqiu Yang, PhD candiate of the Department of Design at Politecnico di Milano, Visiting Scholar of Middlesex University London.
嘉賓簡介 /Guest
? 王心蕊,米蘭理工大學室內與空間設計專業碩士 /Wang Xinrui, master of Interior and Spatial Design at Politecnico di Milano
? 馬啟明,米蘭理工大學建筑環境與室內專業碩士研究生/Ma Qiming, master candidate of Architecture-Built Environment and Interiors at Politecnico di Milano
? 關凱悅,米蘭理工大學建筑環境與室內專業碩士研究生/Guan Kaiyue, master candidate of Architecture-Built Environment and Interiors at Politecnico di Milano
? 張怡嵐,米蘭理工大學景觀建筑與陸地景觀遺產專業碩士研究生/Zhang Yilan, master candidate of Landscape Architecture - Land Landscape Heritage at Politecnico di Milano
? 劉佳笈,米蘭理工大學可持續與景觀設計專業碩士研究生/Liu Jiaji, master candidate of Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design at Politecnico di Milano
? 張晨帆,米蘭理工大學產品服務設計體系專業碩士研究生/Zhang Chenfan, master candidate of Product Service System Design at Politecnico di Milano
? 朱濤,米蘭理工大學媒體與交互設計專業碩士研究生/Zhu Tao, master candidate of Digital and Interaction Design at Politecnico di Milano
? 陳帆,米蘭理工大學與同濟大學雙學位碩士/Fan Chen, master of double degree in Interior Design of Politecnico di Milano - Tongji University
? 張雅琦,米蘭理工大學與同濟大學雙學位碩士/Zhang Yaqi, master of double degree in Interior Design of Politecnico di Milano - Tongji University