Are you buying enough clothes to explode?
Is the lifestyle you take for granted is burdening the planet? What can we do for our common home? Want to know some new ideas and new methods for sustainable living? Sustainable Breathing will invite you to work together from clothing, home,Life and other aspects, reflect on our daily life and consumption habits, and think about innovative ways of sustainable living. The total duration of the program is 90 minutes. Let us inhale the driving force of sustainable living and exhale our love and goodwill to the world.
關鍵詞 /Keywords
可持續生活、可持續時尚、生態材料創新、生長設計/Sustainable life, sustainable fashion, ecological material innovation, growth design
中文節目 /Chinese Program
時間 / Time
September 19. 16:00 - 17:30(UTC+08:00)
主持人 / Host
向逸,中國美術學院時尚產品設計系講師,設計師 /Xiang Yi, Lecturer and designer of China Academy of Art Shanghai Institute of Design.
嘉賓簡介 /Guest
? 杜冰冰 北京服裝學院服裝藝術與工程學院副教授,碩士生導師 /Du Bingbing, Associate Professor and Master Supervisor, School of Fashion Art and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
? 馬川,獨立設計師,中國美術學院教師 /Ma Chuan, Independent designer, teacher of China Academy of Art
? 黃寧寧,“好瓶”品牌創始人 /;Huang Ningning, Founder of "Good Bottle" brand