祥明大學Live Jam節目是基于設計的生活方式新聞,重點關注韓國的生活方式和美學。該計劃旨在闡明三個主要類別,即韓國身份+連接性+設計。這些問題基于共同存在的文化價值變化:緩慢與快速,模擬與數字,歷史與新。現場直播節目通過各種觀察方式代表了獨特而又相互聯系的韓國生活方式和美學。
Session 1 :
Connectivity inspired by Language
Session 2 :
Coexistence on Interactive Traditional Space
Session3 :
Imagination with Future Digital Lifestyle
English Program:unique and connective korean lifestyle and Aesthetics through various ways of observation
Sangmyung University Live Jam Program is lifestyle News focusing on Korean lifestyle and Aesthetics based on Design. This program is aim to shed light on three main categories which are Korean Identity + Connectivity + Design. Those issues are based on co-existing cultural value change : slow and fast, analog and digital,historical and new. Live program represents unique and connective korean lifestyle and Aesthetics through various ways of observation.
Session 1 :
Connectivity inspired by Language
Session 2 :
Coexistence on Interactive Traditional Space
Session 3 :
Imagination with Future Digital Lifestyle
韓國、設計、共存、連接性、慢速+快速、傳統+數字 / Korea, Design, Coexistence, Connectivity, Slow+Fast , Traditional+Digital
英文節目 / English Program
![20200919195214097.jpg 20200919195214097.jpg](http://cdn.meia.me/u/2009/20200919195214097.jpg)
時間 / Time
September 20. 10:00 - 11:00(UTC+08:00)/ korean time 11:00 - 12:00
主持人 / Host
? Mun Gyuri,Choi Yeayeon,Han Songhee,祥明大學工業設計+智慧生活設計系 / Mun Gyuri, Choi Yeayeon, Han Songhee, Department of Industrial Design+Smart Living Design, Sangmyung University
嘉賓簡介 / Guest
? Ahn Sohee,標準化計劃中心NTIS小組副研究員,(KISTEP)韓國科學技術評估與計劃研究所,博士韓國延世科技大學研究生院候選人,英國曼徹斯特大學曼徹斯特商學院市場營銷碩士,B.A.英國曼徹斯特大學管理與休閑 / Ahn Sohee,Associate Research Fellow NTIS Team, Center of Standardization Planning、(KISTEP)Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School, Yonsei University Management of Technology, Korea, MSc Marketing, Manchester Business School the University of Manchester, UK, B.A. Managment & Leisure, the University of Manchester, UK
? Kim Jeonghyun,韓國弘益大學建筑學院副教授,美國哈佛大學建筑學碩士,韓國首爾國立大學博士研究生,韓國首爾國立大學建筑工程學理學碩士,韓國首爾國立大學建筑工程學學士學位 / Kim Jeonghyun,Assistant Professor, College of Architecture, Hongik University, Korea, Master of Architecture, Harvard University, USA, Ph.D.Candidate, Seoul National University, Korea, Master of Science in Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea、Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea