Performance Art and Performance Design
I believe that many students who study art design have heard of performance art, don't you know that you have heard of performance design? Although art design is not divided into families, performance art and performance design are two completely different fields. Today, the host teacher Zhuang Zhuang will share with you simple and interesting behavior design methods. And through discussion and practice with students from different professional backgrounds, to see how everyone applies behavioral design methods to our lives.
行為設計、能力、動機、觸發器 / Behavioral design, ability, motivation, trigger
中文節目 / Chinese Program
時間 / Time
September 20. 17:30 - 18:42(UTC+08:00)
主持人 / Host
馬官正,南京信息工程大學數字媒體系講師 / Ma Guanzheng, Lecturer, Department of Digital Media, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
嘉賓簡介 / Guest
? 劉心瑜,江南大學交互與體驗設計專業研究生 / Liu Xinyu,Postgraduate of Interaction and Experience Design, Jiangnan University