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        1 課時 時長:01:47:23





        藝術及其設計不僅被認為是反映人類積極或消極自然的絕妙手段,而且還反映了其文化,環境,獨創性以及周圍地區的環境。泰國,是代表亞洲世界的象征藝術之一。這場精彩的演講將涵蓋各種藝術作品,從創意到精美的應用產品,形式多樣。博士Pailin將帶您領略“葉”視覺元素的自然之美,并結合L系統和斐波那契理論的基礎,并展示設計師如何在其他設計職業中使用并考察人們對氣候變化及其優勢的關注通過講故事(插圖)了解森林。設計本身也可以通過旅游業來感知。Narathip Amtiengtrong將告訴您如何在旅游業中應用服務設計,同時通過錄制和收集多種烹飪方法中的著名泰國菜肴中的元素來探索泰國烹飪中的美學聲音,并發現將泰式烹飪聲音應用于實驗藝術的可能性,Martsamrit Pasupa將介紹可以代表相關故事的故事。您將實現“夢想成真”由Dimitrije Curcic提出,他是繪畫研究和數字繪畫中的藝術家代表,并將與該項目的動畫序列一起展示。

        English Program:How Art, Technology and Design Inform Creative World

        Art and its design is not only considered as the wonderful mean in reflecting the world of human either positive or negative natures, but reflects the culture, environment, ingenuity, and the context of the surrounding region. Thailand, especially, is as if one of the symbolic art representing the Asian world. This wonderful talk will cover various pieces of art work from its originality till the wonderful applied products in various stunning forms. DR. Pailin will walk you through the beauty of nature of the visual elements from “Leaf” combined with fundamental of L-system and Fibonacci theory and shows how the designers use in other design careers and to examine the people to concern about climate change and the advantage of the forest through storytelling (Illustration). The design itself can also be perceived through the tourism. Narathip Amtiengtrong will persuade you how the service design can be applied in the tourism while exploring aesthetical sound in Thai cooking by recording and collecting the element from well-known Thai dishes in multiple cooking methods and find the possibility to apply Thai cooking sound in experimental arts which can represent the related story will be presented by Martsamrit Pasupa. You will be realized “the dream to reality” proposed by Dimitrije Curcic as a representative of the artist in drawing studies and digital paintings which will be presented along with animation sequences from the project.


        英文節目 / English Program


        時間 / Time

        September 20. 14:00 - 16:00(UTC+08:00)

        主持人 / Host

        Dr.Pailin Thawornwijit,宋卡王子大學,國際學院,泰國合艾校園的創意媒體和數字技術專職講師 / Dr.Pailin Thawornwijit, full-time lecturer in Creative Media and Digital Technology, Prince of Songkhla University, International College, Hatyai Campus, Thailand.

        嘉賓簡介 / Guest

        ? Narathip Amtiengtrong,泰國西爾帕科恩大學國際課程設計藝術全日制博士學位學生 / Narathip Amtiengtrong, he is now a full-time PhD student in Design Art, International Program, Silpakorn University, Thailand

        ? Martsamrit Pasupa,畢業于KMUTT的媒體藝術計劃的講師 / Martsamrit Pasupa,current work as a lecturer for the Media Arts Program at KMUTT, The university where he graduated from

        ? Dimitrije Curcic,泰國Hatyai校園的宋卡王子大學國際學院教授藝術和設計課程 / Dimitrije Curcic,He is now giving a lecture on many different art and design courses at Prince of Songkla University International College, Hatyai Campus, Thailand







