《 我在家,有事兒!》是一個在居家生活環境中,隨機依身體意向而動的行為藝術創作, 將透過網路串連八個地點的演出, 并邀請當代藝術家進行深度講評與討論。總時長為180分鐘,讓我們一起找樂子,共同體驗奇幻的情境,了解日常生活背后的哲學與故事!
During the epidemic, what do you do when you are bored at home?
"I am at home, something is up! "It is a performance art creation that randomly moves in accordance with the body's intention in a home living environment. It will connect performances in eight locations through the Internet and invite contemporary artists to give in-depth comments and discussions. The total duration is 180 minutes. Let us have fun together, experience fantasy situations and understand the philosophy and stories behind daily life!
疫情期間、居家生活、無聊、即興、找樂子 / During the epidemic, living at home, boring, improvising, having fun
中文節目 / Chinese Program
時間 / Time
September 20. 19:00 - 22:00 (UTC+08:00)
主持人 / Host
季鐵男,北京服裝學院環境藝術系客座教授,建筑師 / Chi Ti-Nan, Architect, Guest Professor, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
嘉賓簡介 / Guest
? 王夢凡 ,獨立劇場導演、編舞 / Wang Mengfan, independent theatre director, choreographer